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Manage your warehouse with Growzer – artificial intelligence comes to help

The integration of artificial intelligence into daily operations is not a distant future, it is the present. Our partners from Belgium, Growzer, have integrated AI in their warehouse management program to make your business more profitable and operate more efficiently.

“Growzer system takes into account the historical data of your restaurant or café and, with 90% accuracy, determines occupancy. Additionally, AI evaluates weather conditions, traffic, roadworks and helps understand the resources the restaurant or café will need that day. This is particularly convenient during peak hours when all employees are occupied,” says Mindaugas Rapalis, our product manager.

The program is fully integrated with unTill system, automatically importing sales information. With Growzer, you can place product orders based on pre-prepared templates. The program will also provide your revenue forecast for the next five days.

By using this program, you will have fewer food wastages and incur fewer costs – the program provides insights into the expected number of customers, helping you better prepare for large customer flows.

Is this program exactly what you are looking for? Let’s discuss – we can advise you on business management service-related inquiries.